A crash course in a new technology isn’t unusual when you’re a security consultant, but for me, it never ended in getting a certificate before.
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) is considered one of the hardest DevOps certificates to obtain. I don’t know if it is, but I can tell you that as a practical exam with time pressure, it reminded me of the CREST Application exam (if you’re studying it, reach out and I’ll share tips).

Before you ask, I’m not making a sideways move into DevOps. Instead I’ve made a move into DevSecOps. If you have a Kubernetes cluster and want to know if it’s secure, feel free to drop me a message.
This is coming on the heels of completing an in-depth security assessment of a Kubernetes Cluster for a major financial services SAAS company. I worked on this project with Matt Flannery and Andrew Ong from Ayenem (recently acquired by Anthony Woodward from Accelera Group).